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viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

Love problems? Don't worry... We'll become stronger!

Have you suffered for love?

Hi there! We're closer to the end of the year. I was inspired by one of you, who commented on how much we can suffer for love... So, this week, I'll share with you songs that show that we can become stronger after a brokenheart! Enjoy!

Video 1. Fighter. Christina Aguilera.
Video 2. Stronger. Britney Spears.
Video 3. Survivor. Destiny's Child.
Video 4. Madonna. You'll see.
Video 5. One way or another. Blondie.
Well, which song did you like best? You can add more songs in the list! Let's make a ranking of "Revenge songs" after a breakup! xD
Study your dialogues!
Miss Yanina
The ranking for me is as follows:
1. Survivor.
2. Fighter.
3. One way...
4. You'll see...
5.  Stronger

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Have you ever been in love?

Well, well, well... we're reaching the end of the year! Time goes by so fast! Wow!

For this entry, you can do the following test:

Have you ever been in love?


I did it and my result was: You're in love!

Let's practice grammar. You are having a test!

Link 1.  Positive, negative & interrogative forms.


Link 2. Positive, negative & interrogative forms.


Link 3.  Just/ yet/already


Link 4. For/Since?


Link 5. Never/Ever?


Finally, a song to relax... and yes, we continue with romantic songs... Have you ever really loved a woman?

That's all, people!
C U next Thursday!
Miss Yanina