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viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2012

Love problems? Don't worry... We'll become stronger!

Have you suffered for love?

Hi there! We're closer to the end of the year. I was inspired by one of you, who commented on how much we can suffer for love... So, this week, I'll share with you songs that show that we can become stronger after a brokenheart! Enjoy!

Video 1. Fighter. Christina Aguilera.
Video 2. Stronger. Britney Spears.
Video 3. Survivor. Destiny's Child.
Video 4. Madonna. You'll see.
Video 5. One way or another. Blondie.
Well, which song did you like best? You can add more songs in the list! Let's make a ranking of "Revenge songs" after a breakup! xD
Study your dialogues!
Miss Yanina
The ranking for me is as follows:
1. Survivor.
2. Fighter.
3. One way...
4. You'll see...
5.  Stronger

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Have you ever been in love?

Well, well, well... we're reaching the end of the year! Time goes by so fast! Wow!

For this entry, you can do the following test:

Have you ever been in love?


I did it and my result was: You're in love!

Let's practice grammar. You are having a test!

Link 1.  Positive, negative & interrogative forms.


Link 2. Positive, negative & interrogative forms.


Link 3.  Just/ yet/already


Link 4. For/Since?


Link 5. Never/Ever?


Finally, a song to relax... and yes, we continue with romantic songs... Have you ever really loved a woman?

That's all, people!
C U next Thursday!
Miss Yanina

sábado, 13 de octubre de 2012

Are you romantic?

Hello people! It's been a long time since my last post... but here we are again.

Are you romantic?

Or maybe you are not...

Grammar. Present perfect.

Link 1. Have or has? Easy!


Link 2. Complete with the present perfect tense.


Quiz 1. Are you romantic?


Quiz 2. What kind of romantic are you?


Song. "All for love".

That's all for this week! C U in class!

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Happy Student's day & Happy Spring!

Hello people! How are you? Did you miss me? Hope you have done all the homework! Well,
first of all: Happy Students' day. Enjoy your day!

And I'd also like to wish you: Happy Spring! The season of flowers, love... and alergies as well! Jaja

For this week, you have to follow the instructions and play this game:

Game 1. Snakes & Ladders.


Game 2.  More difficult.


Well, as this is the season of love, I'll share some songs with you. Which is your favourite song? (It can be included in this list or not).

Song 1. Kiss from a Rose. Seal.  Song 2.

Lyrics & translation.


Song 2. Oasis. Stand by me. 


Song 3. Bon Jovi. This ain't a love song. (Como yo nadie te ha amado).

It was very famous for its version in Spanish.


That's all! Enjoy!

Miss Yanina

jueves, 6 de septiembre de 2012

Boulevard of Broken Dreams! ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Hello people! A new week is here! Let's work with some grammar!

Link 1. (Self-correct the activity).

Link 2. 

Link 3.

Link 4. School rules.

Link 5.

Let's change to some music. Enjoy this song by Green Day!

You can find the lyrics in the link below. 


What advice can you give to the man in the song? Leave your comments! Use MODAL VERBS (should- must- mustn't- etc).

Hope you have a wonderful week!


Miss Yanina

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2012

Well, our blog is a success!!!

Hello beautiful people! All your comments made me happy! Thanks for participating! I hope you enjoy our lessons as much as I do!

For this week let's practice a little...

Link 1. 

Link 2.

Quiz! For this week the topic is... Are you a good listener??

Quiz 1. 

This was my result:

Good listener

You are a good listener. The person who talks to you gets a positive impression about you and feels that you have understood whatever he/she wanted to convey.

Quiz 2. 

This was my result:

You Are a Great Listener: You are the perfect person to talk to.
You are patient, empathetic, and encouraging.

You provide subtle, but important, feedback.

You let people say everything that needs to be said before you weigh in. 

Well, what about your results??? Copy and paste them!


C U next class!


Love u,

 Miss Yanina

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012


Hello there! How are you? Hope you are fine. Let me ask you: What sign are you? Do you believe in Horoscopes? Try and do the following quiz and share your results! ;) 

Link 1.


Link 2. 


This was my result for link 1:

How much do you believe in astrology?

You don't care about astrology

You don't care about predictions or astrologers. You take things as they come and you decide about your life without bothering about the stars.
 And this was my result for link 2:

Your Result:

You think horoscopes and astrology are totally bunk

You're a logical person who puts zero stock in horoscopes and astrology. You usually scoff when people bring up such superstitions.

Well, that's all! C u in class!


Miss Yanina

Ps. Don't forget to leave your comments!